Rolfing® and the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
• Structural Integrators (IASI)
Pedro Prado, PhD, of Sao…
In this workshop we shall explore theoretically and train students to the role ANS plays in the Rolfing process, and deepen and refine the use of touch to balance the ANS in the context of SI.
The field of Structural Integration is increasingly informed by what we have come to understand about the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and how, through that system, experiences and trauma becomes embedded in the flesh. ANS responses can be accessed and modulated through specific styles of touch; and the greater our mastery of it, the more our work will support our clients’ personal evolution and transformation.
- Certified Rolfer® looking to obtain Credits: 3 IRC manipulation)
- Structural Integrators (IASI) looking to obtain Credits: 21 IASI Type 1 credits
Workshop Description:
• Challenges that the evolution of Rolfing® brings in the theoretical and practical levels. What does it mean to be a Rolfer™ nowadays?
• The psychobiological perspective – what does it consist on?
• The subjective dimension and the different physiological systems
• ANS – as a somatic connection to the psychobiological taxonomy
• ANS and the formation and transformation of patterns in the person
• Touch, language, resonance and the mechanics of the ANS
• Implications and applications of the inclusion of this vision into Rolfing®, theory and practice – manipulation and movement approaches
• Making bridges between the different taxonomies
• The role of ANS in the integration of the structure in gravity and in the environment.
In this 3 day course, students will:
• Reflect on the role of the ANS in the establishment of patterns and in transformation
• Learn to use touch to influence the ANS in the context of Rolfing® SI
• Track the effects of touch on the person’s structure and function
• Explore the role of touch from the psychobiological perspective
Amount due 6 weeks before start.
Installments are possible on request
Important notice
A minimum number of participants is required. If this minimum is not reached 6 weeks before the start of the workshop, the workshop may be cancelled.
Deadline for decision is 20. June 2025.
(Prices, dates, course locations and teachers are subject to change.)