Commemorating 125 year of Dr Ida Rolf with Pedro Prado

Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life…

‘For me, it was when I met the concept of structure that Ida had the strongest effect on my life. Because I was going from the phycological field, bodywork approach, holistic prospective, body/mind reasoning that when the concept of structure came in, this brought up a new prospective. Not only muscle oriented, character armours and blocking the body but rather, an organised structure in gravity. That was the second concept that was most important for me to relate to the organisation of the body in gravity. Structure united by the fascia and fascia being the component that would put it all together. So, this was really something that had a major impact in my life’.

How does Ida’s work continue to be relevant in the 21st century?

‘The inclusion of the autonomic nervous system as modulator of the fascia system brings in a new tendence that we can incorporate into the psycho biological assessment in Rolfing. Ida, with the notion of structure and structure wobbling through all layers of the human behaviour, deals with emotion. First of all, in a prophylactic way, organise the body around gravity and you’ll have an emotional organisation. But now, with the autonomics, and with the assessment that we can make through it, you can really expand into how we can bring the whole body, consider the emotions in a subjective prospective, into one practice’.

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The contents of this blog article are provided solely for general information about Rolfing® Structural Integration. They do not replace medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For any health concerns, please consult a qualified medical professional. Rolfing® and Rolfer® are registered trademarks of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® and its partner organisations. Results and experiences with Rolfing® may vary from person to person. The authors accept no liability for any damages or losses resulting from the application of the information described here in.