Container & Content Workshop – Part 1

fingerprint Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
Certified Rolfer®
eventNächster Termin
schedule Zeit
Friday 10am – 5pm, Saturday 10am – 5pm, Sunday 9am – 2pm
Praxis Konrad Obermeier - Skills Institute
language Sprache
Certified Rolfer®, Certified Advanced Rolfer®, Mentor, Rolf Movement™ Practitioner

Konrad Obermeier became a Certified Rolfer

Cost: €500.00
Please send an email for registration to: Konrad Obermeier


Incorporating techniques from the Osteopathic field of Visceral Manipulation into the daily work of Rolfing® can greatly improve the results of sessions.
Expanding your level of skills through Visceral Manipulation can add a very potent approach to problem solving and can contribute significantly to a deeper understanding of complex structural patterns.

From a Rolfing point of view, specifically the interface between the “Structural Container“ and the “Organ Content” is of importance.


Credits: 2 Intermediate (manipulation) credits

Dieser Workshop ist ein guter Anfangspunkt, wenn Sie

Open for all Certified Rolfer®

Was Sie im Kurs erwartet
  • get an introduction to and an overview of the complex organization of visceral anatomy and its basic embryological development.
  • Discuss specifically the fascia transversalis in its relationship to the peritoneum and its architecture. These far reaching sheets of connective tissue play a central role in transmitting forces of tension and pressure throughout the abdominal cavity and the structural frame.
  • Look at the activity of the respiratory diaphragm as it not only separates the major cavities – thoracic and abdominal – with their different pressure realities, but also functions as the primary and dominant force generating visceral mobility. The dynamic activity of the diaphragm is fundamental in actively translating repetitive forces into structural patterns.
  • Learn to use general techniques for mobilizing intra-abdominal and intra thoracic structures. This will help us understand how transmission of forces from the visceral cavities contributes to structural pattern deviation.
  • Apply selected techniques to different visceral structures.
  • Explore fundamental aspects of local listening to orient our diagnostic, palpatory and treating hands and start to appreciate mobility and motility aspects of visceral movement.
  • Localize and manipulate sphincters as they perform important regulatory functions and their feedback system reaches deep into the autonomic nervous system.

We will study together with:

  • Information - lectures on anatomy, on the relationship of the organs and structure;
  • Body assessment – pattern identification using visual, movement and palpatory assessment;
  • Hands-on – demonstrations and exchanges on practical manual techniques; introduction to local listening;
  • Integration – ways to integrate visceral manipulation on our daily work.