Review of the Rolfing® recipe & exploration beyond to meet client’s needs – Module 2

fingerprint Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
Certified Rolfer®
eventNächster Termin
European ROLFING® Association
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Certified Rolf Movement™ Instructor, Certified Rolfer®, Certified Rolfing® Instructor, Certified Advanced Rolfer®, Mentor

France Hatt-Arnold is a Certified Rolf Movement™ Practitioner (1986), Certified Rolfer

Cost: €775.00

This workshop is part of a series of three modules covering the review of the entire Rolfing® recipe. It is possible to participate in this module only, or to continue with the third module.

This workshop represents the second part of a review of the entire Rolfing® recipe. We will particularly focus on sessions 4,5,6,7 and will learn to determine where to focus our work, combining questioning, manual tests and movement analysis with your working partners. By exploring the diverse elements that create a whole session, we will train different qualities of touch, from listening to informing fascia at the requested layer, to finding ways to work with articulated touch, lying, sitting, standing and walking.

Embodying the recipe in a deeper way aims at integrating gravity one step further in our organism, such as to free the breathing and natural contra-lateral movement in walking and more specific movement tasks.

The capacity to accompany a client in the negotiation of the “before” and “after” of a session will be facilitated by our own experience of integrating gravity into every step of giving the session.

Credits: 2 Intermediate required credits (Manipulation), 2 Rolf Movement credits

Dieser Workshop ist ein guter Anfangspunkt, wenn Sie

Open for all Certified Rolfers® and Rolf Movement™ Practitioner.

Was Sie im Kurs erwartet

The complete course aims to:

  • Bring security to your organism when you work by integrating gravity at every step of your session
  • Meet and manage client’s needs
  • Determine where to work, bringing together Rolf Movement™ analysis and manual testings
  • Find guidance and security in your touch by defining which are the necessary places to work on, listening and informing fascia at the requested layers
  • Create security in your choice of strategy for each session and adapt your decision making during the course of the session
  • Help clients negotiate gravity, lying, standing, sitting and walking
  • Accompany clients to explore the “before” and “after” and address the meaning layer of clients’ needs

During this module participants will exchange their individual experiences with each other. Participant input and questions are welcome – this is what gives life to the course!