The Spine: Physiology, Biomechanics and our Perception of the Spine.

fingerprint Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
Certified Rolfer®
eventNächster Termin
European ROLFING® Association
language Sprache
Certified Rolf Movement™ Instructor, Certified Advanced Rolfing® Instructor, Mentor

A member of the Rolf Institute since 1986 and an International and European Rolfing

Cost: €740.00

The spine is a complex organization of miofascial, articular and visceral systems.

We know that lesions (in the physical structure) and inhibitions (at the level of perception and coordination) can interfere with the capacity of the spine to transfer the weight down to improve grounding and transmit the propulsion to orient upward and find uprightness.

Dieser Workshop ist ein guter Anfangspunkt, wenn Sie

Certified Rolfers® looking to gain Credits: 3 Intermediate required credits (manipulation) and 1 Rolf Movement™ credit.

Was Sie im Kurs erwartet

During this 4-day workshop, rolfers will be guided to improve their manual skills to normalize the vertebral motions at all the regions of the spine: from the sacral-coccygeal space to the occipital-atlanto region, moving through the sacrum, lumbars, thoracic and cervical tracts.

Besides the practical manual part, the workshop is also designed to dedicate space for the embodiment and practice of functional interventions to understand the bridge between restriction in the tissue and limitations in proprioception of the spine