Level 3: Certified Rolfer® Course

fingerprint Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
See 'Who is this course for' the full list of entry requirements.
eventNächster Termin
schedule Zeit
9:00 - 18:00
European ROLFING® Association
language Sprache
Certified Rolf Movement™ Instructor, Certified Rolfer®, Certified Rolfing® Instructor, Certified Advanced Rolfer®, Mentor

France Hatt-Arnold is a Certified Rolf Movement™ Practitioner (1986), Certified Rolfer

Certified Rolfer®, Certified Advanced Rolfer®, Mentor, Rolf Movement™ Practitioner

Konrad Obermeier became a Certified Rolfer

Certified Rolf Movement™ Instructor, Certified Rolfer®, Certified Rolfing® Instructor, Certified Advanced Rolfer®, Mentor, Rolf Movement™ Practitioner

A member of the Dr. Rolf Institute since 1987 and an International and European Rolfing® and Rolf Movement™ Faculty member,…

Cost: €8500.00
Registration Deadline: 15.04.2026

Level 3 Rolfing® leads to a professional qualification as a Certified Rolfer® and membership of the ERA.

This classroom-based course lets you develop and deepen your Rolfing Structural Integration skills. Working with your own client, you’ll learn step-by-step how to put your skills into practice.

Level 3 Rolfing is taught over 8 weeks.

There’s a personalised progress review and an exam in in the middle, where your teachers will discuss your development with you to highlight areas where you might want to do extra work. For example, take an additional mentoring session or work through a personalised reading list.

The final interview at the end of Level 3 will lead to the certification.

What to expect in class

In each module:

  • you're taught using a mix of practical exercises and theory
  • you’ll work in pairs or small groups to explore and practice the course content
  • you’ll work one-to-one with your client
  • you'll get plenty of support as there'll be one teacher for every 8 students and no more than 16 students per class
  • there’ll be preparatory reading and homework between the modules


On successful completion of the course you'll graduate as a Certified Rolfer®. You’ll now join the European Rolfing® Association as a member and can open your own practice. As a graduate, you will qualify for two years of discounted membership fees

Module Dates:

  • Module 1 – Mon 06 to Sun 12 June 2026 (Instructor: France Hatt-Arnold)
  • Module 2 – Tue 13 to Fri 16 June 2026 (Instructor: Konrad Obermeier)
  • Module 3 -8 Mon 19 June to Thu 30 July 2026 (Instructor: Rita Geirola)


Down Payment of 500 € due after registration.
Remaining amount due 4 weeks before start.
Installments are possible on request

(Prices, dates, course locations and teachers are subject to change.)

Dieser Workshop ist ein guter Anfangspunkt, wenn Sie

To be admitted to study, you need to fulfil the entry requirements. This helps us make sure that you are well prepared to follow the course content.

You need to have:

  • successful completion of the course Level 2 Structural Fascial Bodywork
  • received 3 Rolf Movement™ sessions from a Certified Rolf Movement™ practitioner
  • attended 2 mentoring sessions by a registered mentor (you can do this local to you, find a Rolfing mentor near you)
  • Term Paper ((Embodied experience of the Rolfing® Process and goals of the 10-session series, deadline 6 weeks after Level 2)

If you come from another qualifying SI-school (IASI approved), we’ll ask you for:

  • certificate in Structural Integration from a IASI qualifying school
  • 10 serie Rolfing® or SI sessions
  • your Curriculum Vitae (CV) 
  • received 3 Rolf Movement™ sessions from a Certified Rolf Movement™ practitioner
  • attended 2 mentoring sessions – one given by the Rolfing teacher of the L3 (the second mentoring is to be done with an European Rolfing teacher or teacher in training)
  • Term Paper ((Embodied experience of the Rolfing® Process and goals of the 10-session series, deadline 3 months before start of Level 3)
  • a motivation letter (why you want to become a Rolfer)
  • a 1-day first aid course (you can do this in your country with an accredited provider, eg the Red Cross)
  • a basic criminal records check 
Was Sie im Kurs erwartet
  • refined manual myofascial and neurofascial intervention skills, including deep ligamentous, visceral and cranial work
  • testing and treatments for common structural pathologies
  • the logic behind the ‘Ten Series’ based on its biomechanical and functional objectives
  • how to recognise movement habits that can lead to structural lesions
  • how to use active movement (Rolf Movement) as part of the Rolfing process
  • listening and speaking skills that help you build a supportive therapeutic relationship with your client
  • using touch to improve your client's movement coordination and self-regulation
  • creating a safe environment in which your client can renegotiate their experiences, and nurture helpful movement patterns and behaviours

Dig deeper into the curriculum

Module 1 - functional embodiment of the ‘Ten Series’ 

This module focus on the functional and movement aspects of the ‘Ten Series’ of Rolfing sessions. You’ll deepen your understanding of the Rolfing process and learn how to offer movement explorations to your clients.    

We will:

  • revisit the functional objectives and implied biomechanical reality of each of the ten Rolfing Sessions
  • review Rolf Movement™ strategies and application with a supporting and orienting touch
  • work on our language skills to evoke intrinsic movement and reach deeper meaning for the client               
  • build a repertoire of embodiment exercises to support the goals of each session from a functional perspective
  • set your client exercises as ‘homework’ to help them embody the results of the session

Module 2 - functional and dysfunctional aspects of specific anatomical structures

This modul will widen your appreciation for anatomy – we proceed from addressing basic anatomical topography to studying a selected number of anatomical systems and functional units and some of their potentially dysfunctional aspects.

We’ll focus on:    

  • the development and role of connective tissue and its receptors, and how it organises the structure, function, coordination and orientation of the nervous system 
  •  functional and dysfunctional aspects of breathing, shoulders, hips and spinal organisation
  •  the peritoneum as a relevant connective tissue structure and its role in movement
  • contraindications, post-surgical work and specific anatomical units that are of importance to appreciate Rolfing processes of differentiation     and integration

    Modules 3 to 7 look at the ‘Ten Series’ of Rolfing sessions in detail.

Module 3 - breathing freely in gravity, creating a lighter, lifted walk

In this module, we'll take a closer look at sessions 1 and 2 of the ‘Ten Series’.

We’ll focus on:

  • understanding how the objectives of each session, your own limitations and the potential of your actions, will help you figure out where to focus your hands-on work with the client 
  • reviewing the biomechanics of breathing with related articulations and pressure system
  • reviewing the biomechanics of walking, with special attention on feet, ankles and knee joints
  • creating a safe environment for your client to sense and express freely what they are going through, and to feel heard, accompanied and respected                   
  • learning to see and feel the unfolding of your client’s movement

Module 4 - easy sitting, easy standing, anchoring into the pelvic floor and feet

In this module, we'll take a closer look at sessions 3 and 4 of the ‘Ten Series’.

We’ll focus on:

  • working with the lateral and inner lines of the body
  • releasing tensions at the sides of the body to create differentiation between the front and back of the body 
  • achieving a first level of organisation for the shoulder and pelvic girdles, revealing new coordination possibilities for the arms and legs
  • facilitating greater capacity for inversion and eversion in the feet
  • restoring the balance of the adductors and abductors, and of the deep ligamentous structures in the pelvis
  • restoring intra-pelvic movement, the physiological curves of the spine, and balancing diaphragmatic structures throughout the body 
  • using well-paced and thoughtful wording to accompany self-sensing and body image

Module 5 – freeing the the connection of the legs with the spine - container and content

In this module, we'll take a closer look at session 5 of the ‘Ten Series’.

We’ll focus on:

  • working with the front and back lines of the body
  • seeing and sensing as we work in deeper structures of the body, exploring a three-dimensional, listening touch
  • freeing the diaphragm and crura, the stern pericardial ligaments, and the abdominal and thoracic organs to make more room for breathing and the psoas.   

During this module there will be an assesment: an auditor will watch you while giving session 5 to your client/model in class. The second part of the assesment continues with a private interview with the auditor while your teacher will listen. The mid-term interviews with your teacher will follow.

Module 6 – a strong and resilient back with a head fully supported from the ground and oriented in space

In this module, we'll take a closer look at sessions 6 and 7 of the ‘Ten Series’.    

We’ll focus on:

  • organising the lower body to increase support and the upper body for full expression
  • workingon the articulations of spine, ribs and sacrum: the sacrum being part of thew pelvis and of the spine.
  • Dynamic of legs, ilia and sacrum in walking
  • organising the visceral space up to the neck and head, increasing the freedom of the jaw, differentiating the neurocranium and the viscerocranium, including several craniosacral techniques
  • brining your client’s awareness to how they use their senses (for example, more peripheral or focused vision)
  • building your capacity to interact with your client’s perceptions and feelings, and helping them to understand their body image.

Module 7 - upper and lower body work in harmony

In this module, we'll take a closer look at sessions 8 and 9 of the ‘Ten Series’.

We’ll focus on:

  • organising the lower body to increase support and the upper body for full expression
  • exploring areas where movement is inhibited and requires a listening and safe touch
  • exploring guiding touch and movement to evoke support and orientation in your client, and to improve their awareness of their ‘pre-movement’ (unconscious movement strategies)
  • learning how to improvise a strategy to address the particular needs of your client
  • integrating the trunk, spine and limbs

Module 8 and certification workshop - integration and closure

In this module, we'll take a closer look at session 10 of the ‘Ten Series’.

We’ll focus on:

  • finding closure of the process of the 10 series
  • learning to blend table work, chair work and standing work to evoke freer movement in your client
  • exploring different kinds of contact and communication with clients
  • exploring the deeper motivation of your client, working with them to identify what has been achieved over the course of the ‘Ten Series’, and what remains unresolved.
  • finding closure to enable new beginnings.

During this module there will be time for deepening Practice Building tools and to present your business plan in class.  The module will end with a final interview and the certification.