
Interview | Sabine Becker
Ein Interview mit Olympia-Turmspringerin Marion Reiff  Profi-Sportlerin Marion Reiff blickt zurück auf eine siebzehnjährige Karriere als 10m-Turmspringerin. Als Leistungssportlerin beim österreichischen Bundesheer kämpfte sie auf Weltniveau.  Ihrer Verpflichtung, jahrelang gute Ergebnisse…
Interview | Ali
To convey text or message, the expressive presence of an actor's or singer's body and voice is essential. Working on fascias enhances body availability, to vary the possibilities of expression games, and Rolfing Movement™ helps to harmonise the coordination of movements, confirming the agility of…
Interview | Ali
Mein Name ist Michael Kellenberger, ich bin zertifizierter Advanced Rolfer®, Rolf Movement™ Practitioner sowie ehemaliger Tänzer und Choreograf. Warum haben Sie sich als Tänzer entschieden, Rolfer zu werden? 2006 wurde ich zertifizierter Rolfer. Davor tanzte ich als freischaffende Tänzer und…
Interview | Ali
Why did you decide to study Rolfing®?I am a dancer and I wanted to do something that combined my love of movement and of body so that I could make a further career. I had met a Rolfer when I moved to Berlin about 7 years ago and he worked on my ribs to work on my hip. I remember being so confused…
Interview | Ali
Dancers are interested in the process of Rolfing® because it provides them with a different experience of their body than their daily training. They regain circulation, flexibility, fluidity, lightness and confidence that they can integrate into their technical and artistic work. Because the…
Interview | Ali
Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life… ‘In the last 30 years of being a Rolfer, I learnt that I really can trust gravity, in different ways. First of all, as the only force I know which has a predicable direction. So, this is something which is important for the orientation of…
Interview | Ali
Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life… ‘I was first introduced to Ida’s words as a graduate student in dance. I had not yet been Rolfed nor had I ever met a Rolfer, but I was inspired then and now, 37 years later I continue to be inspired, by the concept of gravity as central…
Interview | Ali
Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life… ‘I was Rolfed in my 20s and I started to be a practitioner at the age of 23. So, I can see that Rolfing has accompanied me from the beginning of my adulthood until now and it has been a magnificent journey. I cannot more agree with what…
Interview | Ali
Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life… ‘Since I had met a traffic accident at Junior high, I felt always unbalanced with a strained back every year. Before becoming a Rolfer, I worked at the Pharmaceutical institute as a research worker. My first Rolfing helped me a lot,…
Interview | Ali
Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life… ‘I met Ida Rolf by reading her book ‘Rolfing’ for example. And by reading the book, I knew that that was exactly what I was looking for. For example, when I read the feet, the first challenge, it was different from any other manual. So, I…
Interview | Ali
Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life… ‘For me, it was when I met the concept of structure that Ida had the strongest effect on my life. Because I was going from the phycological field, bodywork approach, holistic prospective, body/mind reasoning that when the concept of…
Interview | Ali
Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life… ‘Receiving the Rolfing sessions has been a deep trust formative experience for me. At that time, I was already working in the field, I was using Mézières method. That is a technique that addresses the physical structure of the body and…
Interview | Ali
Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life… ‘I came to Rolfing, like many people, because of back pain. I was a dancer at the time, and I needed to get out of that pattern of stuck pain and to increase my possibilities of movement. The Rolfer did not focus on the pain, he put me…
Interview | Ali
Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life… ‘Rolfing has been part of my life since I was a child and as an adult, a Rolfer and a teacher of Rolfing and Rolf Movement Integration, I have a great joy of living with Dr Ida Rolf’s work every day of my life. I feel its benefits in my…
Interview | Ali
Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life… ‘Before I became a Rolfer, I was an Engineer and worked a lot with technical things. What inspired me as I found out about Rolfing and I had my Rolfing sessions was that Ida Rolf was the first one who took the gravity into account for a…
Interview | Ali
Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life… ‘Hi, my name is Phoenix DeLeón and I am a Faculty member at the Dr Ida Rolf Institute in Boulder, Colorado in the US and I wanted to say a little bit about how Dr Ida Rolf has inspired me with her words. One of the things that she said is…
Interview | Ali
Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life… ‘The words of Ida Rolf have inspired me on a private level especially when I think back about the time when I was studying music as a Violinist and her work has inspired me to play the Violin differently. On a professional level, I must…
Interview | Ali
Describe how Ida’s words have inspired your work and life… ‘I was first inspired by Dr Rolf before I even knew who she was. Actually, I was inspired by the effects of the work that she created. Receiving Rolfing made such a profound impact on me that it changed the course of my life. It made me…