Bücher und Artikel über Rolfing®
Wenn Sie mehr über Rolfing Strukturelle Integration, Faszien und Ihren Körper in Ihrer Landessprache lesen möchten, finden Sie hier eine großartige Liste von Quellen für Sie. Diese Bücher und Artikel wurden von unseren eigenen Lehrkräften des Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® Europe, von Lehrkräften des DIRI (USA), von Dr. Ida Rolf selbst und von Experten auf diesem Gebiet geschrieben.
Structure, Function, Integration: Journal of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute – August, 2021 (Free for ERA Members in Member Area)
Meet Rolfing®: meet yourself - 2021,
Structure, Function, Integration: Journal of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute – March, 2021 (Free for ERA Members in Member Area)
Structure, Function, Integration: Journal of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute - Dec, 2020 (Free for ERA Members in Member Area)
Structure, Function, Integration: Journal of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute - March, 2020 (Free for ERA Members in Member Area)
Structure, Function, Integration: Journal of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute - July, 2019 (Free for ERA Members in Member Area)
Structure, Function, Integration: Journal of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute - March, 2019 (Free for ERA Members in Member Area)
Structure, Function, Integration: Journal of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute - Dec, 2018 (Free for ERA Members in Member Area)
Remembering Ida Rolf - 1997, Rosemary Feitis and Louis Schultz
Balancing Your Body: A Self-Help Approach to Rolfing Movement – 1996, Mary Bond (DIRI Faculty)
Rolfing Movement Integration: A Self-Help Approach to Balancing the Body – 1993, Mary Bond (DIRI Faculty)
Rolfing and Physical Reality – 1990, Dr. Ida Rolf
Rolfing: Reestablishing the Natural Alignment and Structural Integration of the Human Body for Vitality and Well-Being – 1989, Dr. Ida Rolf
What in the world is Rolfing?: An introduction to Structural Integration, a technique of human well-being – 1975, Dr. Ida Rolf
Rolfing: The Integration of Human Structures – 1978, Dr. Ida Rolf
Le Rolfing - La méthode d'Ida Rolf - Une remise d'aplomb de l'organisme par la manipulation du fascia - 2020, France Hatt-Arnold
Rolfing e Movement: ti muovi, ti ascolti, ti conosci - 2021,
Equilibrare la postura - 2017, Mary Bond (DIRI Faculty)
Rolfing per i traumi del corpo e della mente - 2017, Noah Karrasch
Il Metodo Rolfing - 2010, Betsy Sise & Macro Edizioni
Il corpo in linea. I benefici della gravità con il metodo Rolfing®. Con un corso di autotrattamento - 2004, Peter Schwind
Il corpo spazioso - 2003, Jeffrey Maitland
Rolfing. Il metodo per ristabilire l'allineamento naturale e l'integrazione strutturale del corpo umano per ottenere vitalità e benessere – 1993, Dr. Ida Rolf
Il rolfing e la realtà fisica. Lavorare con la gravità – 1996, Dr. Ida Rolf
Energia ed equilibrio del corpo – 1994, Mary Bond (DIRI Faculty)
- Técnicas de rolfing-movimiento – 1996, Mary Bond (DIRI Faculty)
- Rolfing : la integración de las estructuras del cuerpo humano (Técnicas corporales) - 1994, Dr. Ida Rolf
Plenitud corporal con el Rolfing. El cuerpo de acuerdo con la fuerza de la gravedad - 1989, Peter Schwind
- Rolfing: obnovení přirozené stavby lidského těla - 2005, Dr. Ida Rolf
Zdravá záda - 2001, Peter Schwind
- Rolfing a realita těla: Pracujte s přirozenou tělesnou gravitací - Dr. Ida Rolf