In and around the hand of the Rolfer®
• SI Practitioner (IASI approved)
Certified since 2004, Nicola is also a Rolf Movement™ Practitioner (2009) and a Certified Advanced Rolfer…
The intention in this workshop is to integrate the internal experience of movement as well as the functional comprehension of the shoulder girdle, arms and hands in the context of the whole body.
There are frequent situations in our profession, where the function of the hand including touch and movement receptors, shut off or turn down. Each of us has places of decreased sensitivity, forgotten or unexplored landscapes or areas with heightened awareness. Still, our bodies are plastic and responsive and there are many ways to restore and balance sensitivity.
If you want to deepen your understanding in Rolf Movement™.
CE Credits: 3 Rolf Movement credits towards the Advanced Training
The following questions underline both the practical and theoretical nature of this workshop:
How can we enhance the core of inner support of the shoulder girdle and upper limbs?
How can we in-form our bodies and deepen our perceptual responses?
Movement, observational skills, and recognition of body patterns will develop alongside each other through focused attention and sensitively guided explorations, feeding supportive touch and movement into body systems and allow dialogue-listen when the body communicates its needs.
The learning, that the participants gain from attending this workshop is unique to each person because it will reveal the own subjective and intuitive experiential body wisdom.