Functional Methods Modul 3 of 3

fingerprintEntry Requirements
• Certified Rolfer®
• Structural Integrators (IASI)

Jeffrey Burch is a cert. Advanced Rolfer™ and practices in Eugene, Oregon and offers classes in Eugene, Oregon, as well as other locations in the…

Cost: €795.00

There are many varieties of Functional Assessment and Treatment Methods. The most commonly practiced Functional treatment variations are Unwinding and Functional-Indirect. These two low-force yet powerful treatment methods allow the practitioner to accomplish a great deal. Skill in a full scope of functional methods will, however, dramatically increase the number of keys on a practitioner’s ring to unlock wellbeing in a wide range of client scenarios. I invite you to pick up those keys one at a time.

Details of the full assessment and treatment list covered in this first four-day workshop follows below. This is the last of a three workshop series to cover sixteen distinct assessment methods and twenty-one treatment methods!

Learn techniques to achieve more effective results with less effort.

The workshops will equip participants with an integrated and widely applicable assessment protocol, and a diverse treatment skill-set with which to address a wide range of biomechanical issues.

Learn all these methods and how they relate to each other to get a much fuller understanding of how functional methods achieve change in the body. You will then be able to mix and match techniques to address a wide range of situations. Along with treatment strategies good assessment skills are essential.


As well as boosting structural integration practice, this course provides an excellent foundation for many other modalities including visceral manipulation, craniosacral therapy, counterstrain, and most other osteopathic manual therapy methods.

We explore the principles behind the specific manipulations, enabling workshop participants to improvise techniques to fit a wide range of situations. The assessment methods elegantly answer the question we must ask at every moment in a session: where can I work on this person that will bring about the greatest positive change for the whole person?

In the uniqueness and complexity of our clients/patients, each functional method provides another potential avenue to normalize tight or lax tissue in the body. Developing skill in all the variations will equip you with a large tool kit with which to address a wide range of situations for your clients/patients. Each method is powerful in itself while some can be combined to give more variations and achieve stronger results.

Who is this course for
  • Certified Rolfer® looking to obtain Credits: 4 elective credits
  • Structural Integrators (IASI) looking to obtain Credits: 28 IASI Type 1 credits
You’ll learn about

This four-day workshop will teach seven distinct assessment methods and six treatment methods. Two thirds of the methods come from osteopathy, including several from Jean-Pierre Barral DO. A third of the methods are original. We present how to use each method on a range of tissue types and body areas.

Assessment Methods:

  • General Listening
  • Local Listening
  • Inhibition
  • Lift Listening
  • Layer Palpation
  • Layer Listening
  • Mobility Testing-A

Treatment Methods:

  • Pure Unwinding
  • Augmented Unwinding
  • Alternate Interrupt
  • First Barrier Stretch
  • First Barrier Glide
  • Long Lever vs Short Lever Treatments